
19 November 2012


Do I care that this picture is 2 years old? Read my face....
There's a lot to be thankful this year:
the support of my family and friends as I've transitioned to different jobs
that my health is in a much better place
my Disney wedding planners who took my ideas and are making it a reality
that Adam and I have a place that we can call home
that the budget allows some room for frivolous spending!
working 15 minutes away from home vs 45 minutes by way of the interstate
softball! Go DRC All Stars!

Other silly things I'm thankful for:
Lady Earl Grey
Arnold Palmer Half and Half Zero
coffee, coffee, coffee
automatic timers on the coffeemaker at work
my crockpot
Hulu + Netflix
Shiny Sinks (thanks FlyLady :D )
fitbit + myfitnesspal
that while I haven't been dedicated to NaBloPoMo, at least I know it's there?

Oh. And this:

04 November 2012

day 4

Obviously I'm kind of terrible at writing daily. Missed day 2. Missed day 3. try try again right?

so mini-goal: make the post longer than a tweet. that can be do-able, right?

Friday: Adam and I saw Wreck-It Ralph. we may be seeing it again today.
Saturday: caught up on the DVR. then Party for the Senses at Epcot.
today: hulu-ing. lots and lots of hulu. why is my love of television so great???

photo-a-day - hasn't happened yet. 30 day shred - might start that today... we shall see.

01 November 2012


Well... I'm going to try it. Maybe if I work the two of them together I might actually get somewhere with all of this.

I like my blog. I really do. And if I can make it a regular thing - well, that can't hurt right?