
30 January 2012

Running Update

{found on pinterest}
Today I repeated Week 4 of the Couch to 5K program.

Repeated because inadvertently took a 3 day rest break and when I went running yesterday, I could barely do the first 4 minute run.

Of course, while taking my 3 day running rest, I did a 4 (make that 5) day 30 Day Shred rest.

Yay for lack of motivation. I'm trying to keep it up. The hardest thing is time. I can wake up early and Shred, Shower and Work. Or I can Work, Gym, Shred. But either way it's just taking too much time away from me prepping dinner or taking care of the rest of my chores. So which is more important? Do I focus more on me, or do I try to be a good wife?

Finding this balance is difficult.

At least I know that it's paying off. People are telling me I look much trimmer and my clothes seem looser!


  1. I want to buy a pair of running/walking shoes. Do you recommend any?

    (This is Lacey by the way.)

    1. I run with Nikes, really only because my iPhone comes with Nike+. As long as you have good arch and ankle support and it holds your foot nicely while you move, then it's a good shoe in my opinion.
